Saturday, 14 March 2020


1.1              An overview of Student’s Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)
The Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a skill-training program designed to expose and prepare students of universities, Polytechnic/colleges of technology/college of Agriculture and college of Education for the industrial work situation they are likely to meet after graduation. It expresses the participants to work methods and experience in handling machineries that are not available in their institutions. It can be undertaken in industries, companies, ministries, banks etc. The students apply the basic principles and techniques already learnt in their respective fields of study to real practical work under the joint supervision of the industrial and institution based supervisors. The Scheme was re-appraised by the Federal Government in 1984 to ensure that industrial attachment was properly organized and adequately funded. This is why the management of the scheme was entrusted to the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) in collaboration with the National University Commission (NUC), which is the only agency charged with the responsibility of approving courses for funding by the Federal Government to the participants in Nigerian Universities.

1.2              Aim and Objectives of SIWES
                                  i.            To give students the ability to try and apply his given knowledge.
                               ii.            To provide students with industrial skills and needed experience while the course of study.
                             iii.            To prepare specialists who will be ready for any working situations immediately after graduation.
                             iv.            To teach students the techniques and method of working with facilities and equipment that may not be available within the wall of an educational institution.
                               v.            To make the transition from school to the world work easier and thus enhance student’s contacts for later job placements.

1.3              Historical Background of Federal Medical Centre Keffi
1.3.1       Background (brief history)
Federal Medical Centre Keffi came into being April 2000 on the facility of the old general hospital keffi build in 1957 by Premier of the defunct Northern Region; late Sir Ahmad Bello Sardaunan Sokoto. This development – i.e. the takeover, was sequel to a pronouncement by President Olusegun Obasanjo the previous year 1999, shortly assuming office as the democratically elected president. He announced then, that 44 Federal Medical Centers would be established across the country with a view to bringing healthcare delivery service to the people at the grassroots level. FMC was one of those 44 announced by Mr. President in 1999.

Handover ceremony took place April/28/2000 at a brief ceremony in Federal Ministry of Health led by then Minister of Health, Dr. (Mrs.) Amina Ndalolo, on Formal the Federal Government side and her team, on behave of Nasarawa State Government.

However, prior to this period, the former general hospital had been managed by the Benue-Plateau, Plateau and Nasarawa State still April 2000, when it was handed over to the Federal Government and assumed a new status as a tertiary Health institution.

First batch of employees in the center came on board April 2001 following a recruitment exercise conducted earlier in the year for the shortlisted candidates to fill in the advertised vacancies. The recruitment was done by the pioneer governing Board of the center headed by its chairman.

1.3.2       Vision Statement
To emerge as a Centre of excellence in health care and delivery, sustained by dedication to duty, unity of purpose and respect to humanity.

1.3.3       Mission Statement
                      i.            To utilize available resources most judiciously and efficiently towards achieving remarkable optimum results characteristic of high professionalism.
                   ii.            To be known for hospitality and high level of professional practice commensurable with the technological age in delivery of health service.
                 iii.            To install hope in the community towards encouraging stakeholder’s participation and patronage for the growth and well-being of the Centre and the community.

2.1    Microsoft Excel (Ms. Excel)
This chapter presents basic steps in using Ms. Excel (spreadsheet) in processing complex mathematical calculation, matrix calculation, computation of result sheet, preparation of budgets. This chapter highlights the full meaning of Microsoft Excel, uses of Excel, features of Excel, Excel Formula.

2.1.1    What is Microsoft Excel?
Microsoft Excel is a software program produced by Microsoft that allows users to organize, format, calculate data with formulas using a spreadsheet system. This software is part of the office suite and is compatible with other applications in the office suite.

In addition, Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program included in the Microsoft office suite of applications. Spreadsheets present tables of values arranged in rows and columns that can be manipulated mathematically using both basic and complex arithmetic operations and function.

Data is entered into a space called cell on a worksheet. Excel cells accept both numeric and non-numeric data. Excel can only do arithmetic with numeric data and because of that, calculations involving multiplication, addition, division, subtraction and exponential can be carried out on numbers in a worksheet easily.

2.1.2   Uses of Microsoft Excel                
Ø   It is used to create grids of text.
Ø   It is use to create grid of numbers and formulas specifying calculation.
Ø   Preparation of examination result.
Ø   Analyzing and storing of data.
Ø   Help businessmen in developing future strategy.

2.1.3  Advantage and Disadvantage Microsoft Excel
Advantages of using Excel
Ø Streamlines calculation.
Ø Organizing data.
Ø Multiple user access.

Disadvantages of Using Excel
Ø User Bias.
Ø Learning the syntax takes skill.
Ø Lack of security.

2.1.4   Using Microsoft Excel 2016 to perform matrix operations
PURPOSE: The purpose is to provide you the step-by-step instructions on how to perform various matrix operations when using Microsoft Excel 2016.
Many of the Microsoft Excel functions that you will be using to complete this Matrix are array function – returning more than one value at a time.
To enter an array function into Microsoft Excel worksheet, you must hold down CTRL and SHIFT keys then press ENTER key: i.e.(CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER).
How to arrange (enter) data in matrix:
A computer spreadsheet is a series of small blocks (cells) where the columns are labeled with capital letters and the rows are labeled with numbers. To enter a matrix into Microsoft Excel, simply type each matrix element into its own small block (cell).
Pressing ENTER after each entry will usually make the cursor go down to the next block. Pressing the RIGHT ARROW key after each entry will make the cursor move to the next cell to the right.

How to add two matrixes:
1.                 Enter the values of each matrix.
2.                 Highlight another section of the worksheet that has the same dimension as the answer matrix. That is if we are adding two matrix of 3×3 or 2×2 matrices, then the sum matrix will also be 3×3 or 2×2.
3.                 Type: = (A2:C4) +(E2:G4) (This will appear in the formula bar).
4.                 You will need to CNTR+SHIFT+ENTER since the answer will result in an array.

We type in the formula and press the CNTR+SHIFT+ENTER get our final result.

How to multiply two matrices:
1.                 Enter the data of each matrix to be multiplied.
2.                 Highlight another section of the worksheet (near the given matrices) that has the same dimensions as the answer matrix.
3.                 Type: =MMULT (A2:C4, E2:G4) (this will appear in the formula bar).
4.                 Since the answer will result in an array (matrix), you will need to: CNTR+SHIFT+ENTER.


We then Type: =MMULT (A2:C4, E2:G4) (this will appear in the formula bar). Since the answer will result in an array (matrix), you will need to press: CNTR+SHIFT+ENTER.

How to find the determinant of a square matrix:
1.                 Enter the data of each matrix to be multiplied.
2.                 Highlight another section of the worksheet (near the given matrices) that has the same dimensions as the answer matrix.
3.                 Type: =MDETERM (A2:C4) (this will appear in the formula bar).
4.                 Since the answer will NOT result in an array (matrix), of more than one answer, you may just press ENTER to get the result
2.2     Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS)
SPSS is a user-friendly program that facilitates data management and statistical analysis. Originally developed as a programming language for conducting statistical analysis, it has grown into a complex and powerful application which now used both a graphical and a syntactical interface and provides functions for managing, analyzing, and presenting data.

2.2.1 The SPSS Windows and files
SPSS Statistics has three main windows, with a menu bar at the top. The windows are:
·                    Data Editor (save file)
·                    Output Viewer (spv files)
·                    Syntax Editor (sps file)

Data Editor the data editor window is divided into two, name:
                   i.                        The Data Viewer
                 ii.                        The variable viewer window
The Data Viewer is made of grids with rows and columns.
Ø    The rows represent subjects (cases or observation) and the columns represent variable whose names should appear at the top of the columns.
Ø    In the grid, the intersection between a row and a column is known as a cell. A cell will therefore contain the score of a particular case on a particular variable.
Ø    This window displays the content of data file, we create new data file or modify existing ones in this window. This window opens automatically when SPSS is started.

This view, allows one to see the data. A change made to data is not until they are saved. To save, we go to file- save or save as data files are saved with a file type of .sav

Below is a figure, showing how the data view window look like.
                                      Columns represent variables

Data view      variable view   Rows represent variables

                          Fig. a: Data View Window
The variable Viewer window is a window with rows and columns.
Ø    This window contains the description of the attributes of each variable that make up the data set.
Ø    In this window, rows are variables and columns are variables attributes.
Ø    There are eleven columns altogether namely: Name, Type. Width, Decimal, Label, Value, Missing, Columns, Align, Measures and Roles
Ø    The numbers of rows in the variable view window corresponds to the numbers of columns in the data view window.
      Fig. b: variable view window
Output viewer/viewer windows
The output viewer window is where the result are displayed after a statistical procedure has been performed. It is divided into two main sections:
Ø The left pane contains an outline view of the pull put contents and
The right pane contains statistical table, charts, and text output. One can edit the output in this window and save it.
Dialog Boxes
Although each dialog box is unique, they have many common features. A fairly typical example is the dialog box for producing frequency tables. To bring up this dialog box from the menus, click on Analyze- Descriptive statistics
On the left is a variable selection list with the entire variable in the data set. Select the variable you want to analyze by clicking on them, then click the arrow button to the right of the selection list and the variable are moved to the analysis list on the right. If one change his mind about a variable already selected, click on the selection list. At the button of the dialog box, click ok to issue command to SPSS, OR Paste to have the command written to a Syntax Editor.
2.2.2 Variable names and value labels
By default SPSS will name the variable, calling the first variable var00001, the second variable var00002 and so on. Meaningful names should always be given to all variables. The rules to follow when selecting variable names are:
Ø Must not end with a full stop.
Ø Must not be one of the keyboard used in SPSS (e.g. AND, NOT, EQ, and ALL)
Ø Must not exceed 32 characters.
Ø Must not begin with a letter.
Ø Must not contain any of the following:!,?
Ø Could have a mixture of letters, digits and any of the following: @,#,.
With value label one assign name to arbitrary code numbers. One may want to perform a statistical procedure on three groups that given tom the code numbers such as:
1.     =group 1
2.     =group 2
3.     =group 3
SPSS Menus and Icons
Below is a review of SPSS menus and Icons.

File includes all of the option you typically use in other programs, such as open, saves, new. One can open or create new file or multiple types.

View allows you to select which toolbars you want to show, select from size, add or remove the gridlines that separate each piece of data, and to select whether or not to display tour raw or the data labels.

Data allows you to select several options ranging from displaying data that is sorted by a specific variable to selecting certain cases for subsequent analysis.

Transform includes several options to change current variables. For example, you can change continuous variables categorical variables, change score into rank scores, add a constant to variable, etc.

Analyze include all of the commands to carry out statistical analysis and to calculate descriptive statistics.

Graphs include the commands to create various types of graphs including box plots, histograms, line graphs, and bar charts.

Utilities allow you to list file information
Help has many operations including a link to the SPSS homepage, a statistics coach, and a Syntax guide.
2.2.3 Data Entry
When we create a new data set, it is typical to start by defining the names and other properties of the variables first and then entering the specific values into each variable view tab in the data window. Then we can create or edit each of the properties below.
·        Name
The name of each SPSS variable in a given file must be unique, following the rules in naming a variable.
·        Type
The two basic types of variable are numeric and string. Numeric variables may only have numbers. Strings variables may contain letters or numbers.
·        Width
The width of a variable is the number of characters SPSS will allow to be entered for variable. You can change the width by clicking in the in the width cell for the desired variable and typing a new number.
·        Decimals
The decimals of a variable are the number of decimal places that SPSS will display. If more decimal have been entered, the additional information will be retained internally but not displayed on screen. For whole numbers, you reduce the number of decimals to zero.
·        Label
The label of a variable is a string of text to identify in more detail what a variable represents. Unlike the name, the label is limited to 255 characters. For instance, if there is a variable for each question on a questionnaire, you would type the question as the variable label
·        Values
Although the variable label goes a long way to explaining what the variable represent, for categorical data (discrete data of both nominal and ordinal levels of measurement), we often need to know which numbers represent which categories.
·        Missing
We sometimes want to signal to SPSS that data should be treated as missing, even though there is some other numerical code recorded instead of the data actually being missing
·        Columns
The columns property tells SPSS how the column should be for each variable. The column size indicates how much space is allocated rather than degree to which it is filled.
·        Align
The alignment property indicates whether the information in the data view should be left-justified, right-justified, or centered.
·        Measure
The measures property indicates the level of measurement. It may be ordinal or nominal scale.

2.2.4  Types of Statistics
·        Descriptive statistics: Descriptive statistics are statistics that quantitatively describe or summarizes features of a collection of data. Descriptive statistics are distinguished from inferential statistics, in that descriptive statistics aim to summarize a sample rather than use the data to learn about the population that the sample of data is thought to represent.
     Descriptive statistics provides simple summaries about the sample and about the observation that have been made. The two types of Descriptive statistics are measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode) and measure of dispersion (range, variance, standard deviation)
     Inferential statistics (induction statistics): Inferential statistics makes inference about population using data drawn from the population. Suppose we want to know the average height of the entire mean in a city with a population of 7 million residents. It is not very practical to try and get the height of each of the men, this is inferential statistics comes into play.

Data can be defined as unprocessed or raw information.
Types of Data
·        Qualitative Data: Are data which “levels of measurement”, or scales of measure are expression that typically refer to the theory of scale types. E.g. nominal, ordinal, interval, and ration scales.
Qualitative data are extremely varied in nature, which includes virtually any information that can be capture this is not numerical in nature. In-depth interviews include both individual interviews (e.g. one-one-one) as well as “group” interviews. The data can be recorded in a wide variety of ways which include stenography, audio recording, video recording or writing notes.
·        Quantitative Data: is to describe type of information that can be counted or expressed numerically. This type of data is often collected in experiment, manipulated and statistically analyzed.It can be represented visually in graphs, histograms, tables and charts.
·        Experimental data: refer to data generated within the context of scientific investigation by observation and recording. The data is produce by measurement, text method, and experiment design. In clinical research any produced as a result of clinical trial. Experimental data may be quantitative or qualitative, each being appropriate for different investigations.

2.2.5  Performing Descriptive statistics on sample questionnaire
We will consider a small sample question on a questionnaire, and carryout some descriptive statistics on it, showing at each time the various outputs.

Sample questionnaires
1.     What is your date of birth?...............................
2.     What is your gender? Please tick 1: Male or Female
3.     What is the total number of years you completed in an educational establishment?.....................
4.     Which employment category do you belong to? Please select one: Manager, Clerical, Custodial
5.     What is your current salary? …………………
6.     What was your beginning salary?.................
Before entering any data, first we have to code the questionnaire. To code, we enter the following information in the table below in the variable view window of SPSS.
STEP 1 click the tap for variable view window at the bottom left hand corner and code each question using the information
Creating the first variable:
Ø  Gender
1.     Under the column name and in row 1 type in gender and press return on the keyboard. To the right of the cell, gender under column type click on Numeric and click on the little blue square in the cell.
2.     Select string and click OK from the displayed dialog box.
3.     Skip the next two cells i.e, cells under columns width and Decimals. Click on the next cell under column label and type respondents’ sex.
4.     Click on the next cell under column values and click on the title blue square in the cell. On the displayed dialog box type m next to value and type Male next to label and click on Add. Then click OK.
5.     Leave the remaining columns as they are. You have successfully created your first variable.

Creating the second variable
Ø Bdate
1.     Under the column name and row 2 type in bdate and press return on the keyboard. To the right of the cell bdate under column type click on Numeric and click on the little blue square in the cell.
2.     Select Date and accept the default date format of dd- mm- yy by clicking ok from the displayed dialog box
3.     Skip the next two cell i.e cell under column s width and decimals. Click on the next cell under column label and type in date of Birth.
4.     As date of birth is unique for each person there is no need to provide value and labels for this variable.
5.     Skip the next three columns and under the columns measure clicks on the cell Unknown and select scale.
6.     Leave the last column as it is. You have successfully created the second variable.

Following the same method create the remaining four variables using the information on the table coding of questionnaire above:

Step 2: Go to the data view and type in the data shown on the table below save the file, give it a name and save it in the folder of your choice.
The Descriptive procedure
With Descriptive you can quickly generate summary statistical measures such as mean, standard deviation, variance and minimum values, range and sum for a given variable. Follow this instruction

1.     From the menu bar, select Analyze->Descriptive statistics->Descriptive…. The Descriptive dialog box will appear on the screen.
2.     Transfer the variable current salary [salary]; employment category and beginning salary into the variables box
3.     Select the option pushbutton. The descriptive: options dialog box will appear on the screen
4.     Select the following: mean standard deviation and variance.
5.     Select continue to return to the Descriptive dialog box
6.     Select OK to run the procedure

Below is an example of descriptive statistic using SPSS
The data of people gender and height in a given certain is given below:
The gender of male and female is been represented by numbers, in this note, I used coding scheme process of 1for female and 2 for male. To obtain this coding Go to variable view on the bottom of the spss page, click on label and code as wish, the return back to data view to see as coded. See illustrations below:
We are now going to obtain the frequency of the above data. To obtain the frequency of the above data: we go to analyze at the top page of the Spss page, a dialog box will appear where you will click on Gender as data that you wish to analyze, then dialog box will appear, then click frequency, then click ok to see your result. See result below:
Interpretation of the result of gender
The N(which s the data size) is 10, with 6 female and 4 male without  missing value, since we have no missing values all the percentage are exact, that is 60 percent for female and 40 percent for male and the valid percent is 60 for female and 40 percent for male. The cumulative percent is 60 percent for female and 40 percent for male which sum it all to 100 cumulative.
The result below is the descriptive of Height of both genders (male and female) of the given set of data.
The total score (N) is 10, the minimum height is 61 which falls under the gender of female, the sum of them all are 692 and mean is 69.2 and standard deviation is 6.26808.
We can also test to know height of people in different gender of the given data.
Procedures: Go to Analyze at the top of the Spss page, a dialog box will appear, click on compare means, then click on mean, a categorical box will appear, which height is the dependant variable and gender independent variable. See illustration below
Interpretations of the table:
In the second report above, the analysis shown that 68.3333 of 6 female with standard deviations of  6.88961 and 70.5 of  4 male and standard deviation of 5.91608, this mean that male are little bit taller than female in the given set of data. 69.2000 is total that shows how tall people can be in a given set of data
To find the range, maximum and minimum of Height and Gender.
1.     From the menu bar, select Analyze->Descriptive statistics->
Descriptive…. The Descriptive dialog box will appear on the screen.
2.     Transfer the variable gender and height, into the variable box
3.     Select the option pushbutton. The Descriptive options dialog box will appear on the screen
4.     Select the following: range, minimum and maximum.
Select continue to return to the Description which is list of all variables, there label, values, locations in the data file, and type. See illustration below

Add-icons are programs that can be added to the base SPSS package.

Windows can be used to select which window you want to view (i.e Data Editor, Output Viewer, or Syntax)
5.     Descriptive Dialog box.
6.     Select OK to run the procedure

Interpretation: The total score (N) is 10, the minimum height is 61 which falls under the gender of female, the sum of them all are 692 and mean is 69.2 and standard deviation is 6.26808.

2.3     The Audit Department
2.3.1  What is Auditing?
The word audit is derived from a Latin term “AUDIRE” which means to hear because in ancient times auditors listen to the oral report of the officials to owners or those having authority and confirmed the accuracy of the reports. Over the years the role evolved to verify written records. To hear demand total attention in order to be accurate in taking records.
Definition: Audit is the process of examine an organizations or individual financial records to determine if they accurate and in accordance with any applicable rules including accepted accounting standard regulations and laws.
Types of Auditing
1.     Internal Auditing: Internal auditing work for the organizations as internal employees to examine records and help improve internal process such as operations, internal controls, risk management, and governance.
2.     External Auditing: External auditing comes in from outside the organizations to examine accounting and financial records and provide an independent opinion on these records. Law requires that all public companies have their financial statements externally audited.

The Audit Department
The audit department creates and implements procedures and controls to ensure that the finance of the organizations (federal medical centre keffi) is managed accordance with established principles. It also conducts periodic audit to check the accuracy of record keeping and accounting to ensure that procedures and controls are working.

Branch of auditing
Audit on financial section: To audit the treasury department financial records for the year
Audit on outside section: to examine the records of the revenue collecting divisions of government in particular the customs and excise divisions

·        To verify all receipts of revenue and ensure that the normal procedures and practices are followed.
·        Verify that all monies collected are lodged at the treasury department
·        Verify expenditures payments and ensure that all normal procedure and practices are followed.

2.3.2  Functions of Audit
                   I.            To verify all receipts of revenue and ensure that the normal procedures and practices are followed.
                II.            To verify the expenditure payment and ensure that all normal procedures and practice are followed.
             III.            To cross examine or physical verifications of project submitted by the organizations(federal medical centre)

Internal Audit Program Chart 2019
Audit program is a list of specified work schedule to be done by auditors. This way, duplication of work is avoided and compliance to laid down financial rules and regulations is ensured. The work to be carried out is arranged on daily, monthly, quarterly and half yearly or once in a year.

Job Title/Audit Task
Responsibility Officer
AUDITING OF REVENUE USING EMR PLATFORM: Reversal, Reconciliation and weekly Report
Daily, Monthly and Quantity Basis
Supervisors and all the Principal Officers
Ensuring Initiation, process, and approval.
Checking  to ensure supporting document are genuine.
Ensuring 100% compliance to financial regulations with respect to pre-payment Audit.
Daily Monthly and Quarterly Basis
All Principal Officers
·        Evaluation and assessment of the system of internal control
·        Appraise and review the accounting system of the organization to ensure checks and balance.
·        Checking the adequacy of financial & accounting system.
·        Identifying areas of deviation and weakness from the set standards.
Monthly, and Quarterly Basis
Principal Auditor (TAMIN)
Daily, Monthly, and Quarterly Basis
All the Principal Officers.
·        Checking to ensure that variation orders are strictly adhered to:
Audit variation orders as issued for salary payment, deduction & stoppage
·        To ensure compliance to approved salary table in order to guard against over payment and or under payment
Monthly, Quarterly,
Half yearly and Yearly Basis
(Mr. Silas)
Checking compliance with laws instructions and directives.
Identifying inflow and outflow of personnel as it affects salary payment.
Audit variation orders as issued for salary.
(Mr. Musa)
·        Ensuring store requisition & issuance are updated in the store ledger & tally card
·        Ascertaining position of stock balance as often as possible.
·        Examination of problems associated with the stores most especially scrap.
·        To ensure prompt, monthly report.
·        Timeliness of the report.
To ensure findings/observations are accurate & recommendations identified for corrective measures & management attention.
·        Ensuring on these pot assessment of internal control & security networking
Supervisors & all the Principal Officers
Budget & Budgetary control cutting across revenue & expenditure in line with IPSAS ACCRUAL ACCOUNTING
Monthly, Quarterly,
Auditor I &
HEO Audit

Application (software) at internal audit department, federal medical centre keffi.
1.     health in a box
2.     care plus
3.     integrated personal payroll information system (IPPIS)
·        Health in a box: Health a box is a program designed to carry out or discharge service to the public and the organization itself. It is an online programming that an outsider cannot have access to it. Also Health in a box is used to manage the service rendered to FMC patient or general management in term of fund being conciliation, refund, multiple revisal or trace history of any patient payment and monitoring the payment system of any patient admitted at  federal medical centre keffi.
·        Care plus: Care plus is also a programmed package used at the centre, before the discovering of and lunched of Health in a box. Its also used to meet to the patient challenges at the cause of payment, either over paid or refunding of fund due to poor attention given.

How to get started on the both program health in a box and care plus.
                               i.            A user name and pass word will created to any qualified individual(staff) of the centre(federal medical centre keffi) from CITU(computer information and technology unit) and afterword the user may wishes to change the created password in order to make it confidential for him/her to avoid unknown trance passes to his personal portal. It’s just similar with when someone is been an ATM card from bank and he will be asked to change the pin to make it confidential for him/her.
                             ii.            Get the portal: logon using your password and user name, then get the code or address of the patient that will help you to indentify if it is care plus or Health in a box.
                          iii.            Login web as it is designed for health in a box is whiled care plus as a demo access point.

How to differentiate the both packages(Health in a box and careplus)
o   Care plus start with 100 continuously as patient payment code, address number, user name.
o   Health in a box always start with 200 continuously as code, address number, patient payment number, user name
·        NB: The numbers start with 100 as for care plus and 200 as for health in a box but the continuations differs because it is peculiar to individuals and ones you are unable to get the number patient number correctly, you cannot access the patient portal.
·        Both health in a box and care plus are called EMR(Electronic medical record).

Advantages of both care plus and health in a box
                               i.            Reduces stress and brood files are been controlled
                             ii.            Its reduces rate of excess spending due to unable to revises fund
                          iii.            Its faster in transactions to the patient

Disadvantages of the both packages
                               i.            They location biased
                             ii.            Bad network since its internet based package
                          iii.            High rate of traffic due to much access on the platform

3.     Integrated personal payroll information system (IPPIS)
Integrated personal payroll information system (IPPIS) is internal audit programmed software that is used to monitor the increment and decrement of staff’s salaries. It’s also monitor the stoppage or promotion of staff in the organization. Stoppage like: death, retirement, promotion from one level to another.
Benefit of IPPIS
                               i.            To checkmate staffs salaries
                             ii.            To be sure of any stoppage of any staff salary
                          iii.            To allow free access to staffs issues concerning salaries and any change in level.

Advantages of IPPIS
                               i.            It conserves funds for government. I.e organization that made used of base workers on their own, the use of IPPIS helps federal government to monitor such act.
                             ii.            It helps government with the summary of all her active staffs still in service with that it minimized cost of excess released of salary.
                          iii.            It paperless and information are access easily.

Disadvantages of IPPIS
                               i.            It does not give adequate rule for pre-payment auditing
                             ii.            Since it is internet base network failure at times slow the work or process may occur
                                                   CHAPTER THREE
Summary, conclusion, Recommendations and Reference
3.1     Summary
SPSS (Statistical Packages For Social Science) is a user-friendly program that facilitates data management and statistical analysis. Originally developed as a programming language for conducting statistical analysis. It has grown into a complex and powerful application which now uses both graphical and a syntactical interface and provides functions for managing, analyzing, and presenting data. It has three main windows, with a menu bar at top. The windows are:
o   Data Editor (.save files)
o   Output Viewer (Sps file)
o   Syntax Editor (sps file)
Data Editor: The data editor window is divided into two, the Data View and the variable view windows
The data views window is made up of grids with rows and columns.
o   The rows represent subject (cases or observation) and the columns is represented variables whose names should appear at the top of the columns.
o   In the grids, the intersection between a row and a column is known as a cell. A cell will therefore contain the score of a particular case on a particular variable.
o   This window displays the content of data file or modifies existing ones in this window. This window opens automatically when SPSS is started

The variable View window is a window with rows and columns.
·        Microsoft Excel: Is a spreadsheet program including in the Microsoft Office suite of applications. Spreadsheet present tables of values arranged in rows and columns that can be manipulated mathematically using both basic and complex arithmetic operations and functions. In addition to its standard spreadsheet features, Excel also offers programming support via Microsoft’s Visual Basic (VBA), the ability to access data from external sources via Microsoft’s Dynamics Data Exchange (DDE), and extensive graphing and charting capabilities. It can also be said to be an electronic spreadsheet application for storing, organizing, and manipulating data and is made easy by Microsoft for Mac and Windows users. An Excel starts with a grid of cells where you place Excel information’s. Data is entered into a space called cell on a worksheet. Excel cells accept both numeric and non-numeric data. Excel can only do arithmetic with numeric data and because of that, calculations involving multiplication, addition, division, subtraction and exponential can be carried out on number in a worksheet easily.
·        Health in a box: is an ERN software used at the centre (federal medical centre keffi) to meet up to the patient depend and payment respectively.
·        Care plus: it is a similar application as health in a box. All are used to meet to patient demand at the centre most especially at the point of payment of any chargers.
·        Integrated personal payroll information system (IPPIS): its used to monitor the activities of federal government concerning deductions in salary and many others.
3.2     Conclusion
It is an indisputable fact that SPSS, MICROSOFT EXCEL play                important role in the society and in the field of science especially when it comes to mathematical symbols or terms. Like SPSS, it helps in solving our statistical analytical problems such as questionnaire which involve proper labeling, coding, and analysis (deduction, inference, hypothesis and conclusion of results), it give insight into data gathering, data collection and data management and also helps in correlation and regression of analysis etc. The last but not the list is the Microsoft Excel, Excel is a spreadsheet program consist of rows and columns for performing mathematical calculations, arithmetic, financial and other numerical operation. It creates room for storing, organizing, manipulating and computing of data. It also helps in computation of company pay roll and the preparation of budget.

3.3     Recommendation
·        In wish to recommend to the department of statistics in all Nigeria Universities to create an enabling environment where students can learn properly and if possible established well standard mathematical laboratories where students can don the practical aspects of their courses of study.
·        Also it would be beneficial to student if SPSS and EXCEL are included in the syllabus as courses to be taught in Nigeria Universities.
·        I also wish to urge the ITF Management to see how they can be of help to students financially that is paying or giving them their stipends as this will encourage and motive them not to take the programmed for granted and relieve them of some financial burdens, this is cope with the fact that most students are not financially buoyant.
·        This is also to urge the ITF Management to serve as backing to students especially when it comes to place of attachment as many reputable organizations turn down student `offers, so if there is anything you can do to make sure students are not rejected when they apply to Government established industries or organizations, it will go a long way in relieving students of the stress of where to do their industrial training. Thanks

Gupta V (1994). SPSS for beginners
Kometa S (N.D). IBM SPSS Statistical package for beginners for window.
Prof. A. Chris ETONIHU (2019). SIWES programming participation and Guide.
Wacha D (2007). Matrix operation Excel

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